1 april 2003: turn, turn, turn
Is April Fool's Day an American thing? Where did it come from? I wondered, therefore I Googled. My favorite discussion here. Welcome to my new format. The plan is for the background to change each month, for there to be a new entry each day, and for each entry to have its own page and thus be easily linkable, if anyone should ever happen to want to. This month's background is a picture I took on 4 February 2001 at the Santa Monica Pier, during that winter's week of 80-degree (F) weather, such as we are having this past week. Another change of note is the lack of links on this page. For links, go down to the "links" link. link link. link. This is partly aesthetic and partly practical: I still want there to be only one page where the links are, for ease of updating, and every day's entry is now going to be a different page. also thanks to the inscrutable leroy for a few suggestions that i scrupulously followed.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.