8 april 2003
To quote Henry Higgins, "Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN." It is not looking good for me to get my script in to the Nicholl contest. AGAIN. I feel like I've gotten farther on this one than on any of the others I've tried before. I suppose that should be some consolation. And I am wary of rushing to call it finished solely to make May 1. I like this story. I think it could be good. It isn't, yet. I haven't got the ending pegged. It's one of those things where I have a feeling that I'll know it when I "see" it, and I haven't seen it yet. Then, there's a book that I've been thinking of trying to adapt for a while, which title I will not mention so as to minimize the chance of someone beating me to it. I'm getting more ideas and thoughts for this one, lately, than for my own story. Which fits to a T my paper-writing patterns from college: the closer the deadline for paper A, the more things completely unrelated to A will pop into my head. I hope no one else beats me to it, that book. I can think of several ways somebody could screw it up. My way, of course, is infinitely preferable. ...That didn't come out right. Anyway, it would be beautiful visually, in the right hands, and I hope I can finish it by the end of summer. Then I could finally graduate to worrying about finding someone who would be interested in making it. properly.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.