21 april 2003
Clouds and sun, sun and clouds today. More clouds than sun. Wonder if we're going to have an early June-gloom this year. That's a few weeks in a row of cloudiness, more or less, wherein Los Angeles pretends it is the Northwest, except without much actual rain. But then it usually goes away again in time for summer. I wouldn't mind a little while of overcast; it would be easier on my elms. My poor little transplanted baby elm trees are still adjusting, after a week; it's hard to tell if they'll make it. The broken one is almost certainly dead. The two leafiest ones are looking rather wilted. The littlest one is the one for which I hold out most hope, because unlike the others I'm pretty sure we got all of its roots. The others were big enough that they had sent big old long roots down that we didn't get to the end of. (ouch!) go baby go baby go!
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.