8 may 2003 thursday
speaking of movies, anyone who likes to keep track of them would probably enjoy playing the Hollywood Stock Exchange online game. It's free; you get 2 million "hollywood dollars" to start, and buy and sell pretend "shares" in movies based on how you think they will do in their first four weeks of release, and/or how you think other players are going to buy and sell them. self-serving portion of message: I am selling an account on ebay that I started several years ago. It's grown to considerably more than 2 million; in fact, as of the daily update this morning, it was at H$198 million and change. If you'd like to get a big big head start, you could buy it from me! woohoo! fun fun! I should have mentioned it when I started the auction but I forgot. it ends sunday.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.