15 may 2003 thursday
Today I overheard someone using the phrase "like watching grass grow," meaning "boring." I like watching grass grow. Maybe I wouldn't do it for hours and hours at a time, but like many things when you get down close to them, a blade of grass has quite a few details. It has kind of a crease down the center, and the surface of the blade can be kind of fuzzy. When you get very close to the surface of almost anything, you can see tiny sparkles of different colors on it. If you flop on your stomach, rest your chin in your hands and your elbows on the ground, and look across a lawn from not far above, it's easy to see it ripple in the breeze (if it's long enough, and the right type of grass). Then you can roll over on your back, put your hands behind your head, and look for clouds, feeling the grass blades brushing the backs of your hands. Not that I've done this lately; our lawn has been purely hypothetical for many years. I'm just sayin'.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.