1 june 2003 sunday
New month, new picture; this is one of the most fun things about this format. This is from last summer's trip to England. Like many other days there, the morning of our visit to Stonehenge threatened (and for a few moments delivered) a bit of rain. All well and good for a vacation, to have skies that provide softer light and less contrast, as well as being more dramatic in themselves. I speak lightly, but it was a small hassle trying to make sure the camera didn't get wet every 10-15 minutes or so. Not as big a hassle as the cold and near-constant rain in Boston last weekend. I did take a few shots, and will make a section for them over on regulus, but I took a lot fewer than I'd planned. but that left more time for playstation with the bro, so all's good.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.