15 june 2003 sunday
I did not make it to the "Arroyo Fest" today for several reasons:
So I woke up at 8 am instead of 5, and went with my parents to see Finding Nemo (mom's idea) and then had a tasty lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant Dad likes (cue all those present on the England trip to chuckle "of COURSE an ITALIAN restaurant"). And then we went for ice cream. This was a (slighly late) lunch, it is now after 9 pm, and I still haven't gotten hungry again yet. I have to say, though I enjoyed it, the plot of Finding Nemo seemed more predictable than, say, Toy Story was for me. But it was still good, and it certainly was beautiful. I really love the sea turtles, all of them, but especially the baby ones were just the cutest things in that whole movie, especially doing the surfer talk in their itty voices. So I didn't accomplish much of artistic merit today, but I (and dad) did have a good dads' day. I think that counts for something.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.