2 july 2003 wednesday
two workdays surrounded by off-days this week, instead of the other way round. rawther easy to get used to. I Have Too Much Stuff. And I believe it's about time I got rid of everything I don't NEED, because (especially in the limited space I have right now) it's only in the way. A restlessness like this always seems to hit me whenever I come back from traveling somewhere. It's always good to be back, but it would also be nice to keep going. I am excited to see how my nine rolls of slides look (most of them taken on Saturday and Monday). This time, I will put them up promptly, writing about them as I go, and then work on all my other backlogged trips -- as time permits, but I will schedule blocks of time, because I really want to share. Those blocks will be right next to the blocks for writing my other stories, and exercising, and cleaning out all my Stuff as above. This I Swear. july! summer! suddenly it's all hot now, everywhere. apparently I just caught the tail end of an unusual heat wave in san francisco. heat is good, i much prefer it to cold. the traditional response is "but you can bundle up against cold!" and i agree, i understand that, but i just prefer heat. at least, the kind of heat that i am used to out here in the deserts of california. 'tis true that washingtonDC and boston heats are otherworldly states of being. even so, that just means that you hide during the day, and come out in the evening, the wonderful warm-all-night evening, so rare in my experience that it makes me all giddy (um, giddier than usual). a taste of that last friday night was a perfect start to the trip, imho.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.