7 august 2003 thursday
Woohoo! Utter Chaos on the California political pasture! Arnold only yesterday evening pulled his big surprise, and already this morning I heard the first pun on Total Recall. It's a lot more entertaining than two and a half more years of Davis, that's for sure. I'm kind of annoyed at Schwarzenegger actually, because after the stuff Davis pulled on Riordan last Republican primary (the incumbent Democratic governor put out attack ads misrepresenting Riordan for the Republican primary -- helping the inexperienced, more right-wing Bill Simon win -- because he knew moderate Riordan would have been his strongest opponent), I am so hoping that Riordan kicks Davis's butt in pure poetic-justice fashion, and Arnold might be making that more difficult. We shall see. but dude. Massive free-for-all, and everyone only has two months in which to run: ALL ELECTIONS OUGHT TO BE LIKE THIS. Just add instant runoff voting, and all would be joyous, far's I'm concerned. 'Tis true that recalling a duly elected governor not currently embroiled in any actual criminal activity might be a bit odd. But what of the secure incumbents and party lockstepping that made Gray Davis and Bill Simon our only two choices in the last election? Millions of people in this state, and we had to pick between Gray Davis and Bill Simon? AARGH. And this recall gathered enough signatures (even without mine!) to get on the ballot because a lot of other people feel the same way.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.