5 september 2003 friday
Urban planning, lack of. Orange groves for which Orange County was named, gone. Fields of crops in this sunny California climate, nearly extinct. Suburbs demanding use of cars, definitely in no way endangered. Amazingly successful types of animals: humans, rats, crows. Cohesion of my thoughts today, nonexistent; punctuation, sketchy. Giving drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants, especially if as I hear they're going to remove the thumbprint requirement so that there will be no hard-to-falsify way to determine that a person is who they say they are: unutterably venal attempt to reap illegal votes for Democrats, plus a few legal ones -- and dangerous step backwards for terrorism vulnerability. This continues our current course of hypocritical treatment of illegal immigrants: oh, you're illegal, we'll let businesses exploit you because they can because we won't bother to crack down on them, but please vote for us, and by the way anyone who objects to PEOPLE BREAKING THE LAW is a racist, booga booga booga! AAAAA. Why not come right out and give amnesty to hard-working folks who sacrificed a lot to come here, and change the immigration system to just go ahead and let people in who don't have obvious problems like rap sheets, and enable authorities to ACTIVELY KICK OUT THE OCCASIONAL BAD APPLE whenever the authorities happen across one, and then the newly legal good-apple resident/citizen can get a driver's license like anyone else because they are LEGAL? also we need to plan communities where people can live and work both and walk to speedy efficient public transit. we could have that and still give people houses with yards. surely we could. except maybe that most of the land is kind of already taken. wouldn't it be nice if there were still farm fields interspersed with towniness? democracy is messy i guess. especially when the polity wanders off to play with their video games and watch tv instead of paying attention to what the ambitious ones are doing. which is pump up bureaucracies and award themselves fat lifetime pensions. and gerrymander themselves safe districts. over time ambitious people always start gathering up the money/power. throughout human history. until someone more articulate than average gives voice to the growing unfocused resentment of everybody else who's not a member of the money/power elite, and nails some objections to a church door. and then all hell breaks loose, so to speak. i would like for such to happen soon. (be careful what i wish for.) coherence not strong point on fridays.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.