link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

13 october 2003 monday

yesterday was columbus day, or dia de la raza (sp?), or indigenous (sp?) peoples' day, whichever is applicable to you. except for anyone who gets off work because of it, it was celebrated today, if the word celebrated is applicable to you. I continue to call it Columbus Day because that's the specific event that we're talking about, and all the other implications were set in motion because of it. I prefer "commemorated" because it is (or should be) impossible to ignore such a momentous turning point in history, and all of the voices need to be raised together in memory of all the bad and good things that have happened afterwards, without which most of us (u.s.) would not be here, and but for which many other people would be.

contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. a signature?