5 november 2003 wednesday
Last Saturday night, local AM radio station KNX 1070 announced that they were ending broadcasts of the KNX Drama Hour, effective immediately. Apparently one of the head honchos at the station had resigned/been booted, and the Drama Hour must have been his baby. So, instead of broadcasting oldtime radio shows from 9 to 10 every evening, KNX will now be a news/traffic station, 24/7. Waaah. I didn't listen as religiously as my parents did. It hit them rather hard; it's been one of their staples for several years. They'd grown up with most of those programs back in the days. My mom on Saturday night was all set to listen to The Jack Benny Show, like every Saturday. My dad's favorite since childhood has been The Lone Ranger. When I happened to be in range of a parental radio, the program most likely to hook me was Nightbeat, about a Chicago newspaperman with a knack for getting into a story over his head. Hmph. Well, time to start tracking them down on CD. (Ho ho ho! shhh.. luckily I don't think my parents check this page too often. I think my dad knows how, but my mom doesn't.)
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.