15 december 2003 monday
Yeah. Hi. Christmas season taking me by surprise with how few days there actually are remaining for me not to be ridiculously late with things, as opposed to just everyday normal late. A bit distracting also when there's extended edition Lord of the Rings movie showings to go to, and ONLY TWO DAYS TILL RETURN OF THE KING bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce. not to mention people arriving and departing for holidays with whom i want to spend time. I did keep thinking of things to say here, but it seems like I get most of these thoughts while in my car, offline. Partly this may be because I spend two hours of each workday in the car. Begin randomness: I did some gift shopping last week. It's rather fun to go to the mall on a weekday evening. Even during Christmas season it's not enormously crowded (at least not last week, yet). our forces are taking tips from israeli trainers on how to control a restless population? (like, perhaps, encircling entire villages in barbed wire?) are you kidding me? no, you're not kidding. dammit. we got saddam. yay! howard dean for president, maybe. i still have to read up on him. i actually think i may be approaching him in a similar way to my thinking about the idea of a potential governor schwarzenegger, unlikely as that comparison may be: someone who will very likely not be boring. call me a troublemaker, but it's really to the point where i'm most interested in getting more people to pay attention to, and maybe then get involved with, what their various governments are doing. company holiday party today! yummy catered food! secret santa! fun fun. i have a full-fledged digital camera now, but haven't got round to putting pics up here yet. that will change very shortly.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.