8 february 2004 sunday
today was not an accomplishing-things day. it was supposed to be, but i was tired from yesterday's extended family gathering pizza party day. and perhaps i didn't sleep as well as i could have, i don't know. that one can of pepsi's worth of caffeine might not have been long enough before bedtime. i did watch lost in translation on dvd this evening. that was (still) good. pa ja ma s. pajamas. p a j a m a s. i like that word. it connotes children jumping and bouncing on beds, which i certainly do not have the energy to do at this time. but the potential is always there. does anyone outside my family play games against themselves? strictly fair, striving for each side in turn and attempting to block awareness of what the other sides may be planning? probably. also probable is that it's a good sign that i do eventually finally get bored with it. i should have gone to bed after the second paragraph. anyway.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.