25 february 2004 wednesday
hah! On my way in listening to National Public Radio this morning, a guy reviewed the Quizno's TV ad that features the moon song critters. He reported that the piles of mail he (as an ad reviewer) has been getting about the ad breaks down into three categories: "what ARE those things?", "you've got to be kidding!", and "that is genius marketing!" Possible answers to the first question, taken from letters, included "hell lemurs". The reporter, noting that people either give the ad an A or an F, declared himself in the A camp. Text edition of that full report, btw, can be found on the web here at Slate.com. I give it an A also. I like the mooooon. And, I must say, I am now curious to try a Quizno's suuub, partly in order to reward them for their genius marketing. So, obviously, the ad works. we really like the moon!
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.