19 march 2004 friday
This is completely random (big shock): I wonder what will happen when the Star Wars movies someday come into public domain, out of copyright. (Yeah, I know, this will never happen if all the media companies keep extending copyright terms every twenty years, but bear with me.) If and when that day comes, will anyone try to remake the prequels so that they're actually good? Tweak a few plot points (like perhaps the existence of JarJar), completely cut any mention of midichlorians, adjust dialogue, stuff like that. I guess it would really be someone else's idea of what might have happened and how. This is something you can't do until a story is in public domain, but it can get veerrry interesting once that happens. We're only used to that sort of thing happening with old stories, so far. Unfortunately I guess we probably won't be around by the time people are able to start playing with some of our more recent ones. This is where immortality (or telomere extension or whatever) would come in handy. Probably born a bit early for that too. Oh well.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.