10 may 2004 monday
I'm not at my usual desk at work today. I'm subbing for someone else. There is a cat sitting on my desk. It's a very pretty cat. It spent most of the morning napping on one of the chairs on the other side of the desk here. ...now it's wandered across in front of my computer screen and is sitting on the scanner. I hope the digital camera doesn't mind cat hair, 'cause it's got a cat tail brushing it. But what I want to tell you about right now is the trip to the pier on Saturday.
The weather was beautifully astoundingly perfect, and M. and I figured
we'd visit the ferris wheel on the pier, something I'd been wanting to do
for a while. I hadn't ridden it since the day I took this picture, and that was, er,
years ago now. (4 Feb 2001,
to be precise.)
We arrived about quarter after 11, still early. The sun was hot, but not
beating down; the breeze was cool, but not stiff. Perfect.
A couple tents' worth of Scientologist "volunteer ministers" were out in
force. We steered well clear, to the opposite rail, and noticed someone
had got a good start on what looked to be an ambitious castle. Certainly
the hole he'd got was ambitious.
As I said, we were early, so there was nearly no line for the wheel.
The first thing I noticed was that the color scheme was different than
last time. Alternating purple and yellow, now, instead of several yellows
and a red, several yellows and a red. Despite my love of purple, I liked
the old scheme better; it had a purer primary-color thing going,
especially against a blue-sky backdrop. Oh well. At least I got a
I don't know why I love ferris wheels so much, but I do. I like getting up
high and being able to see all over; I suppose it has something to do with
the dream of flying.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.