23 june 2004 wednesday
The downside to checking email less often is that the spam just keeps piling on up. And some spammers are annoyingly clever at making me go ahead and check it instead of deleting it straight out, just in case it's a website reader commenting or something. There was one unusually amusing one today though, whose puzzling main text seemed composed of Mad Lib style sentences (along with a few links that, I presume, do something bad if one were silly enough to click on them). The runner-up was the Trekkian "Indeed, defined by omphalos assimilate debutante near movie theater," but my favorite was "Where we can underhandedly brainwash our eggplant." Monday, roaming local neighborhoods and fighting Tekken teams. Independence Hall and assorted historical environs yesterday, also awesome Italian dinner and "water ice" for dessert, from a corner shop. Today, Edgar Allan Poe and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
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