28 november 2004 sunday
thanksgiving! food! pumpkin pieeeeeee.... it's not the day after thanksgiving without pumpkin pie for breakfast before heading out for a day of black friday shopping. and now (and no sooner) it is christmas/winter solstice season and I can start putting up decorations -- peppermint candy and wooden cranberry strands and tinsel and such. not lights so much this year, because the new place is kind of old electrically and we don't want to cause it any undue stress. which is also part of the reason why we still don't have our computers set up at home, which is part of the reason this is only my third entry this month. I worked too hard getting this background set up properly to only use it three or five times, so I guess I'll use it for december also. That's all the stream my consciousness has time for at the moment -- more later...
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