28 february 2005 monday
I just realized that if I missed today, I'd have missed a whole month for the first time in... I don't know, two years? Can't have that. I partially blame the rain, which provokes cocoonish tendencies in me. This year is now the third wettest ever on record in L.A., and we're only about 5 inches short of the record, which is about 38 inches, set the winter of 1883-84. An average year here (measured from July 1 - June 30) is around 15-17 inches. Also, I got an iPod in December that I have still not finished putting the good songs from my CD collection into. Then there's the Battle for Middle-Earth, and golf on the Xbox, and Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms on the PS2. The days are just packed, as they say. There are still quite a few boxes sitting in the house which are also in that state (not unpacked). Sunnier, warmer days will help me get in a better mood to tackle them. Or so I tell myself.
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