29 april 2005 friday
Sorry. Items of recent busyness: Annoying and bothersome persistent stomach pain. diagnosis: gastritis. Ulcer(s) ruled out via endoscopy (putting a camera down my throat to look around down there), during/after which I developed an allergic reaction to one of the two anasthesia drugs, causing a lovely rash all over. They gave me Benadryl and eventually it went away. I don't remember any of it. Matt, in case anyone was unaware, is a super duper sweetie who was there when I woke up, and explained what was going/had gone on. Apparently I woke up, and he explained, about six times. I only remember about two. Anyway, I'm on stomach-acid-suppressing medication now and that's supposed to take care of the situation eventually. Civilization III (Complete), latest incarnation of the game that has been an occasional time-sink of mine since version 1. Make that time-vortex. My cube was disconnected when the old homestead quit the DSL in favor of cable, and I haven't got it set up at my place yet. (My sweetie built me a ... PC (gasp!). it is, for a PC, quite nice.) Most of my pictures that I would use for new backgrounds, or anything else, are still on the cube. Disorganization. Can't forget that. Anyway. Back now. (Again.) We weren't able to get to Death Valley, it's too far -- but we did go to the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve one weekend morning. Photos to follow soon.
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