14 september 2005 wednesday
I just saw a picture over at echidne illustrating a quote I have heard of before:
"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." Not that Republicans have actually been cutting the overall size of government much, that I've noticed. They just have put themselves and all their buddies in all the $weet $pot$. They're still doing it. You've heard, I hope, that Halliburton subsidiaries are getting no-bid reconstruction contract$? Because they've been doing such a clean, upstanding job with all the ones they got in Iraq. No questions of where a couple hundred million worth of taxpayer money might have got to, nope nope shhhhh! Mainstream media have woken up, my butt. I'll believe it when I hear it a month from now, and three months after that. Sorry I'm a bit bitter today. I just don't like having to plan for a future, that will hopefully involve children, under such uneasy circumstances.
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