10 january 2006 tuesday
Hey look! I'm writing something! (sound of crickets chirping) Sorry, had lots of busyness -- of a happy sort. But I am trying now to return to things I let slide the last few months. One current project in particular may lend itself to journaling, namely: I am beginning to garden and plan the landscaping of our yard(s). Homegrown veggies! Pretty flowers! Weeds! The mysterious disease that is uglifying the crabapple tree in the back corner! The eternal deathmatch between aphids and ladybugs! (Admittedly, the ladybugs tend to get the upper hand there, if they are present.) So there's this section of the backyard that my honey and I have made into the first garden plot. It's about 3 feet by 14 feet, running east-west on the long axis. I (with some help from mom, the garden guru) planted the west half with vegetable seeds last Saturday, specifically
- broccoli I also planted some California poppies in a patch next to the front door. The seed packets claim they are mixed colors, but if they all come up orange, that's OK too. I love me some poppies. According to the veggie packets, the broccoli is likely to make the first appearance (not counting the bits of weed grass which are already showing). We'll see how this goes.
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