18 september 2003 thursday
Onward! From the tents we pass through downtown, toward the 110/101 interchange -- another fun 4-level, but not quite as swoopy. Also I'm taking a ramp this time, so have to focus on the driving. mostly.
You can't see it very well, but note the blue I-5 North shield on the far left sign. There's a story behind that, but I'll save it for later 'cause I'm tired now.
This whole commute up to the Vermont Ave. exit retraces the route Mom and I took every week for a while when I was small, for my arthritis checkups/physical therapy at Childrens Hospital. They hadn't made the 105 or the carpool canyon yet in those days, but a lot of the rest is still the same.
The Capitol Records building and the Knickerbocker are again more a part of the evening checklist, but it's dark in the evenings these days. This is one of several wild shots I took, and was lucky one worked; the Hollywood Freeway is twistier and more demanding of full attention than the Harbor.
And then, I arrive at work. Luckily, I am generally happy with my work of organizing photos and files (and databases thereof) and helping my boss with whatever she may need me for, now and then. And my boss is cool; that's pretty important too. No, I don't think she reads this site, though I'm not 100% positive.
I have two desks -- well, the one where the computer is doesn't quite fit the description of a desk, more like a shelf. yes, I know there are a lot of papers on my desk(s). But they're all -- mostly -- in neat stacks, now aren't they?
From the computer chair, I can see out the door, across to the kitchen. Very important, the kitchen. Home to frozen food, coffee, and... chocolate. Not to mention an antique Coke machine, which is fun to operate, though I don't drink a lot of Coke as a rule. I've already mentioned a couple of the notables of the evening drive home, and of all the photos I did attempt, the camera didn't even keep any -- except one. Nearing home, I found myself on a tree-lined straightaway bit of road with no one in front of me. 'ah, what the hey, there might be enough light to see something,' I thought, and held the camera up and went "beep". A throwaway. But look look!
My grainy little ten-buck camera has created out of a mundane suburban landscape a golden highway in the midst of multicolored stars! The wavy streaks of the streetlamps, comets or firework sparklers' trails! Whenever in future I'm confronted by a mundane-appearing evening, I'll try to remember to look at it as if I were a little ten-buck digital camera.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.