3 april 2003
Something always comes up. So, these busloads of volunteer fighters/potential suicide bombers heading for Iraq through Syria. Wouldn't it be... interesting? educational? hopefully enlightening? if upon their arrival, instead of hailing them as heroes and saviors as they no doubt expect, the people-in-the-street Iraqis ask them, "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" The Iraqi government/paramilitaries will probably try to herd them carefully to prevent that happening.
10:20 AM PST
The freeway proved unusually entertaining today, or perhaps I'm in a mood. For a short distance through downtown, I was behind a tanker truck, and mesmerized by its convex mirror image of the unfolding receding freewayscape, overpasses and palm trees bending away and away. Later, I saw a bumper sticker (which I have seen before but cheer every time) reading "MINDS ARE LIKE PARACHUTES / THEY ONLY FUNCTION WHEN OPEN"; I also saw a car flying a white flag with words and graphics on it that I tried to read, as it vibrated madly in the wind of its speed, and failed. It led me to wonder whether Laker flags, and USA flags, and whatever this one was, indicate a fad of car flags as new medium of expression. Not as easy to read as bumper stickers, but there's just something about flags.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.