4 april 2003
I have several vague idealistic notions about how people ought to run governments. Here is one: legislators' salaries should be pegged at the average of the salaries of all the constituents of the legislative body. In other words, each congressperson ought to be paid whatever the average American salary is; each California assemblyperson/senator the average California salary, etc. Probably there's some reason(s) it wouldn't work. but it would be a nice gesture. 10:30 AM: ok, I think all these "yesterday/tomorrow" links are correct now. sorry. still getting the hang of this. I'm having trouble thinking of any reason why pegging the salaries would be a bad idea. It'd be snowing in hell before you got it passed, of course, though for California you might be able to do an initiative. When lawyers have set everything up for their benefit, how do you tear down that wall? I've once in a while lightly considered going to law school, on the principle of knowing your adversaries (and being able to know and use their weapons). But I don't need any more school debt right now.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.