25 april 2003 friday
Continued from yesterday: CAN YOU JUGGLE? IF YES HOW MANY? One. PREFER FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? If the fizzy water had some sort of citrusy flavor, I might like it, but otherwise bleah. Still. THE ONE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK TO? Well, I'd most like to meet my paternal grandparents, but since I never did, I don't know if that counts as "from my past". If not, I'd like to be able to talk to my other grandpa again. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? White. When we first moved in, it was green with some wallpaper, and despite the white paint I think a hint of green remains, because my hair tends to look redder in there. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DAY? Saturday. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? My "key ring" consists of three key rings linked together (car key, Stanford alumni association, mini Etch-A-Sketch) with a total of 8 keys plus Ralphs Club fob. WHAT'S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR? Emergency water, food, and blanket, tool kit, and a green Army surplus blanket found after a TORn picnic which I will FINALLY be returning to the owner this weekend after, um, seven months. He could have bugged me more about it though; more than half the time I'd forgotten it was back there. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE? To my dream home and various city condos (see first question back on Tuesday), if extant; else I'd probably just stay wherever I already lived, since I don't plan to leave California. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? I like both, but if a sushi tray and a Carl's Jr. sourdough bacon burger or McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese were placed before me, I'd have to go with the burger. Also, I guess I don't eat sushi in the strict sense of raw fish; I just do California rolls and such. Once you've seen a little white worm wiggling its way out of the piece of halibut your mom just unwrapped from the supermarket, kind of turns you off the raw fish. WHO'S MOST/LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL? n/a RED OR WHITE WINE? Rosé, white zinfandel or white, though I will drink red. I think it's given me headaches before, though. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME? Nope, can't do it. It's like comparing people; they fall into broad categories of good and not, but they're too different to rank. Also, a direct question of that sort makes my mind go blank. But among the DVDs I own, ones I smile widest to think of include: Amelie, Casablanca, Cinema Paradiso, Contact, L.A. Story, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Moonstruck, Moulin Rouge, My Fair Lady, O Brother Where Art Thou, October Sky, Princess Bride, Princess Caraboo, Room with a View, Sense and Sensibility, Shakespeare in Love, Shawshank Redemption, Sound of Music, Swingers, Toy Story 1 & 2, When Harry Met Sally. I also love The Truman Show. ...yeah. Don't ask me "favorite"-type questions. To be continued. Everybody (well, LA-area everybody) go to the Festival of Books tomorrow and/or Sunday! I'll be there both days, as usual.
2:30 pm
speaking of Eloise (as I did yesterday), the NYT review
of the Eloise TV movie cracks me up by leading off with:
Here's what this movie is not:
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.