26 april 2003 saturday
Continued from yesterday: WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? I don't remember. I neglected to remind anyone at work (or anywhere else, really) that it was my (30th) birthday, so I didn't get a cake. I think I just went to my parents' house either that evening or the next day and we had a little angel food cake party (it's my dad's birthday too). DO YOU LIKE SPORTS? REGARDLESS, WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? Nothing against 'em. Baseball is the only pro sport I attend in person. My knee keeps me from playing things that involve running. I do like casual games of any sort with friends when I can go easy on my knee. Volleyball is OK, if you don't expect me to dive. Swimming is best for me, but isn't really a group activity. Favorite to play: ping-pong indoors, volleyball outdoors (since minigolf and non-ultimate frisbee don't count as sports). DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? No. This is one of several areas where my mom has mentioned that my quiet sweet little grandma would be given great psychological pain (that she would never admit to) if I were to participate therein, others being ear-piercing and tattooing. Old hill-country childhood beliefs about the body needing to be whole for Judgement Day, or something. Earrings are too much bother anyway. HAVE YOU OR WOULD YOU EVER GO TO A NUDE BEACH? Haven't. Would, if it were one not majority populated by scary old men. WHAT IS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross. Not bad, not amazing. Tended to make me want to kick semi-fictional long-dead chauvinistic butts. WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? I'm in two right now: Our Oriental Heritage, the first book of Will & Ariel Durant's "History of Civilization," and the first volume of The Debate on the Constitution from the Library of America. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? None of my friends need to ask me this question, and they would probably rather no one else did in their presence, either. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? See above. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LEARN TO DO? Use all sorts of cameras with professional skill (including movie & video). Sing. Surf. Home repair/remodeling projects. Dance adeptly with another person. Draw better, and paint at all. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Food? Chicken or fish ravioli with yummy sauce and sundried tomato bits. Dessert? The darkest of dark chocolate. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Mars. Realistically, Europe. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY? Uh-oh, another hard "favorite" question. I'm going to have to ponder this one. To be continued.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.