28 april 2003 monday
Continued from Saturday: WHAT WAS THE MOST INTERESTING PLACE YOU VISITED LAST? That's badly worded; it ought to be broken up into two questions. Luckily my answers are the same anyway: England, with my family last summer. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST BOY/GIRLFRIEND? Ah. I suppose technically it would be Eric in 3rd grade, but I was a little coward in those days and disavowed him almost immediately at the first hint of teasing. If you mean, who was my first real relationship... I haven't really had one. A sort of friends-with-benefits situation that lasted for quite a while is the closest I've been. Other than that, I've never dated anyone for longer than a few weeks; I have never been able to refer to anyone as "my boyfriend." I chalk it up to innate introversion (which I have been working on), high standards (which I have no interest in altering), and bad luck. WHAT WAS THE GREATEST THING YOU EXPERIENCED THIS PAST YEAR? That would have to be the England trip again. You'll get the details whenever I finally manage to get that travel journal cranked out. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? I get my act together and get to the point where I can just write, full-time, for a living. INTERESTING IDEA FOR A PARTY YOU WANT TO HOST? I would want to have my own place in which to host it, first. Hmmm. Maybe a party lit purely with candles? I haven't really thought about it. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU WANT TO TELL THE WORLD? Just one? And which members of the world? ... Listen, learn, and love. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? Plugged some more of Grandma's cousin Bonnie's genealogical research into my computer, and discovered that (if accurate) I am a greatx35 grandchild of Alfred the Great. IF YOU COULD COME BACK AS AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD IT BE? An eagle or other bird of prey. The ability to fly, and still be on top of a food chain. I'm not going to come back to the childhood-memory question, because I want to save those for writing about "for real."
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.