29 april 2003 tuesday
scattershot Not that geneaology-knowing makes me any unusually special; probably every person of much English descent ties into some royal or other. I just like the knowing. I think it's fun. Here's another question: what time would I like to travel to? If purely a choice between past or future, I would pick future. I want to see how things turn out. I wish I could be immortal (or at least go on as long as I felt like) for that reason: I'll hate to miss anything. I wish I could see the first offworld colony, presuming we manage to start one. Things like that. Picking a point in the past? Not sure I could. I suppose I would really like to be able to meet Jesus, and form my own opinion of him. I might also want to drop by Alexandria and see the library. But I wouldn't want to live in those days. I am more satisfied with present day than with any previous time period, mainly due to the fact that I am female and also, you know, modern medicine and science. The farthest back I'd want to go for any length of time would probably be the American Revolution. these random thoughts brought to you by the realization that I hadn't made an entry for today yet and had only three hours remaining (technically) to do so.
copyright 2003 carrie lynn king.