link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

20 november 2003 thursday

I'm often bad about keeping up with correspondence, but in the last three weeks or so I've been particularly bad. Near the end of October I exchanged a few emails with a blogger named Jay Manifold, who had stumbled across the purple tricycle while Googling for a Lord of the Rings quotation ("it takes but one foe"). He permalinked me on 28 October and I am only now getting round to mentioning him here in return, oops. Anyway. His blog is named A Voyage to Arcturus, and he is a fan not only of Lord of the Rings, but of space exploration and political debate (he lives in/near Kansas City, MO, which as an added bonus is the area where my dad's family comes from). Yay!

and anyone else whom I have meant to email since, oh, Halloweenish, will finally be hearing from me shortly. really.

ps. after googling with his search phrase to see what happened, I realized I hadn't posted the entire quotation. Ahem:

"It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two, Master Warden," answered Eowyn. "And those who have not swords can still die upon them. Would you have the folk of Gondor gather you herbs only, when the Dark Lord gathers armies?"
--- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, book 6, chapter 5

(Tolkien originally separated his story into 6 "books", but intended them all to be published together as one story. But the publishers broke it up into three volumes, with two "books" each, although they kept the book and chapter numbers. So book 6 is the second half of Return of the King.)

contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. night light