21 november 2003 friday
I have my Return of the King tickets! (does a little figurative dance of joy) The Arclight started member presales yesterday. Their website was swamped a good part of the day, but I finally got in and got my opening day tickets! No, not midnight show, the following evening. I know, I know, my fandom credentials, they slippeth. But I do have a general idea of how the story goes, after all, and it's a work night. and I'll be seeing it several times, that is certain. I have a lot of joy for the people who have never read the books, who are going into this final movie not knowing exactly what happens. I am glad I know the "real" story, in case the movie diverges from it, but I don't expect that to happen as much this time as it did last; there isn't time. The moviemakers have done well up to now; I'll trust them to manage the homestretch. Less than a month now until I can see for myself.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.