1 december 2003 monday
This month's picture is of an oldish house near downtown LA which, with others similar to it, got me thinking. No very original thoughts mind you, just noticing how in the less well-off parts of town, older houses tend not to get torn down as quickly or thoroughly as elsewhere. A house like this is just continuing on, a bit shabbily perhaps, but surviving, waiting for some day when someone will notice and say, "hey, that looks like a cool house," and fix it up again. Large social changes led to the dilapidations; I wonder how or when the pendulum will come to swing the other way. For I think it will, sooner or later; there are going to be too many people wanting housing in the next 20 years for it to be otherwise. At least, such is my guess.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.