link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

27 december 2003 saturday

Yesterday and today, sunny sunny sunny though still a bit on the cool side. But sun is good. Cacti like sun. Here are some pictures of the cactus aforementioned. Please ignore that I neglected to remove the dead leaf stuck to the side of it before snapping the photo(s), and welcome to amateur hour.

Obviously I need to repot it. The poor thing has been in that little pot for a very long time, possibly even longer than it lived in the thin plastic "pot" it was purchased in. Although, my mom's book about cacti and succulents that I just consulted said that one way to encourage them to bloom is to keep them in pots that are too small, and look what we have here: buds.

So maybe I won't repot it till it's done blooming, but I will then, because it's getting dangerously top-heavy.

It might be a bit hard to tell the scale in these pictures. I'd guess the top of the cactus is about 4 inches across, though I haven't applied a ruler.

cacti can be cute, yes.

UPDATE: A tape measure reveals the actual diameter across the top is about 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 inches.

contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2003 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. blue light special