link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

5 january 2004 day

This month's picture, by the way, is of the ceiling of the Cineramadome in Hollywood, the centerpiece of the Arclight theater complex, and the place where I last month saw the extended editions of Fellowship and Two Towers. The little square is of the curtains farther down.

Resolutions for this year are coalescing slowly and cautiously.

I surely want to continue with the exercise program, which was an overall success last year, at least with the aerobics part. Now all I need is to add the swimming in between days.

Writing goals, a perennial theme. Still thinking about these.

Becoming a completely organized person and clearing away a lot of things I have but never use.

Keeping up my end of correspondences within a time period measured in smaller units than months.

That'll do to go on with.

contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. alternative 