16 february 2004 monday
At this point it's not exactly bad news that I have mono, because it seems to explain a lot over the last month or three. And explanations are good to have. (The source of it also seems clear. Heh. Don't worry, sweetie, you're worth it.) I had thought of topics for here, earlier today, when I was busy driving and not able to act on them. having trouble remembering now. too sleepy to type more, must go sleep. oh, one: so many happy people in san francisco. happy people all around the block in pouring rain. congratulations happy people! yay! i am sorry that other people are made unhappy by the happy people, but i can't help feeling that's the unhappy people's choice; i shall leave them to it.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.