31 march 2004 wednesday
I sometimes fear I am a sorry excuse for a resident of this town, especially one who works on a studio lot. Just the other day I found myself driving in the next lane to a bright yellow pickup with "Pussy Wagon" written on it in old-school balloony pink letters. I was curious to see who was brazen enough to drive such a vehicle. I wasn't lined up right next to it at the stoplight; I got half a side glimpse a little farther down while trying to drive at the same time, but I couldn't really see well and I didn't want to be caught looking. Even if I had gotten a good look, it's even odds whether I would have realized at the time that it was Quentin Tarantino, like any typical person interested in movies would have (not to mention every other studio lot denizen). Now that I know, I can agree that the bit of face I glimpsed must have been his. I gather that if I had seen Kill Bill, I might have known about the Pussy Wagon. I only now realized what/whose it was, and confirmed it by googling that link, because I happened to be reading this. Celebrity flashcards, I guess that's what I need. And more interest in television. And a Tivo, to gather and present pertinent shows to me. Or maybe a subscription to People or Entertainment Weekly. (Though I do not ever plan to get a Tivo, because it is too Big Brother for my taste. But that's another entry.)
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.