1 april 2004 foolsday
I can never think of any good April Fools. Therefore here are none. Does that last sentence work in English? Ever since taking German in high school, I've liked to play around with word order now and then. "I have my sunglasses forgotten." "Give me not more greenbeans!" I have the vague suspicion that English used to work like that, a few hundred years ago, and also that my language is sometimes in the present day unsuitable. But I like to play with it, so thppbt. As I type, it is raining. Why? Why is it raining? Is it getting the rain out of its system so that my boyfriend and I can have a fun Saturday in Santa Monica riding the ferris wheel on the pier in clear, clear air? Because if so, it has my permission to rain. Otherwise, if it's planning to be all cloudy and chilly this weekend, then I'm sorry, but that is Right Out. Now it's really pouring. I hope I didn't leave any of my car windows cracked open. I'm pretty sure not.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.