2 april 2004 friday
I just got an email confirming that a certain photo of mine was indeed used, as "artwork," in a magazine that is coming out next Wednesday. I hinted this a short bit ago; it appears to be safe now to go ahead and loudly jump up and down about it. The magazine is the Boston Review, "a political and literary forum" that is published out of the political science department at MIT, on the web but also in hard copy. Apparently the upcoming April/May issue includes a section on National Poetry Month; they went looking for photos of the Poets' Walk in New York City, and they found mine here, in my still-unfinished travel journal for my 2001 trip to New York. By "artwork" I suspect they Photoshopped it into a page background or something, kind of like what I do with my Purple Tricycle pages here. We'll see when I get "a few" hard copies, which they will be sending me. They're a nonprofit. I'm an amateur. No money changed hands. But now I will be a published photographer! Happy Friday to me. Now I just have to rush and finish up that New York journal, at the very least, before next Wednesday, since the credit line I suggested included my carrielynnking.com URL, from which all of my travel journals at regulus.org are accessible, with absolutely none of them yet finished. The China trip that started my travel journal idea happened over three years ago now. It's time.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.