28 may 2004 friday
Noticed a bit from the Hollywood Reporter about possible Disney plans to make sequels to the movies Pixar made for them. A Merrill Lynch analyst is quoted as expressing concern, in diplomatic language, that such non-Pixar sequels may suck, and that their sucking could tarnish Pixar because people might still think they were Pixar movies (because the originals were). I like to hope that the audience is a little more clever than that, but we may see. What got me most, though, was the last bit of the blurb, where quoth the analyst, "In addition, too many releases may fatigue CGI's scarcity value, which has created consumer intrigue for this 'event' animation format." STORY and CHARACTERS, people. I really don't think the audience can ever get fatigued of good STORY and CHARACTERS. This is Pixar's real strength; it is not that they happen to work in a nifty-looking newish medium (though it doesn't hurt). It is that they have clever people who create movies with the goal of making it a fun story about true characters, with humor that works for both kids and adults. This is not easy. Their movies are events partly due to the Disney marketing machine, but also because people have learned that a good time at a Pixar movie is pretty near guaranteed. I hope this continues to be the case, and I hope deserved success will continue to follow Pixar, because from all I've ever learned about those guys, they seem pretty cool. Not quite sure what to think about the person(s) who seem to be establishing a pattern of driving creative people to dissociate themselves, and go create their cool stuff elsewhere.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.