9 june 2004 wednesday
Within the past month or so, I have seen at least two different women on the street carrying umbrellas as sunshades. One was a young woman with an Asian-style paper umbrella, the other was a middle-aged woman with a basic black rain-capable one. I feel like I might have seen one or two more but I'm not sure. Thus I wonder: In these days of ozone holes and cancer fears, might the parasol make a fashion comeback? I doubt they would return in quite the same frilly Victorian form, but I can definitely see the Asian type turning trendy. Conveniently, I already have one myself, though I've never used it yet. Perhaps I should start doing my own part to kickstart this theoretical trend. There are already the art-museum umbrellas, over the past few years, with prints from Impressionist paintings instead of basic black. I have one of those too (Monet waterlilies). Hmmmmmmmm.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.