10 june 2004 thursday
Pure mundanity today, sorry. ("Different from usual how?" Shh.) Watch me jinx myself for tomorrow, but it looks like I am finally on track to exercise all five days of the workweek, as had been my ideal for the past, oh, two years. Aerobics M-W-F, swimming T-Th. Rowr. (Friday update: hah, I win.) This week's newfound (long-lost) motivation may or may not have anything to do with the upcoming trip my boyfriend and I are taking: back to his homestead, near Philadelphia, to visit/meet his family for a week. I suppose "first impression" might not be strictly accurate, since apparently the Mom-of-M and maybe others are already reading this (hi), but, you know. Good thing: it is already starting to work, or at least bring me back on a rebound from my somewhat lazy self of the last couple months. Certain muscles are vaguely achey and my metabolism is already speeding up. Bad thing: the reason I know my metabolism is up is that I am utterly starving (in the unthinking bourgeois non-refugee-camp sense), and have been for the past hour at least. Good thing: despite "utterly starving", I have almost completely resisted the evil candy and sodas in the office kitchen, and the overprocessed sandwich supplies in the fridge, and even the (sob) STRING CHEEEEESE. Bad thing: Well, since the bite-size Three Musketeers I ate with lunch, anyway. Good thing: No chemical-laden diet soda consumption, even. "Glycerol ester of wood rosin"? Thank you, no. daaaaaaaaaang am I hungry. Another hour and a half until I'll be able to do anything about it. Hence this entry. Lucky you.
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.