carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com
12 july 2004 monday
watermelon! (We had watermelon lemonade with that belated lunch on Saturday. It was yummy.) I was thinking, this morning as I showered, what a luxury running water is, especially hot/warm water. Stand in the tub, turn some dials, and presto! steamy hot water comes out of the tap. This is specially pleasant upon parts of myself which are sore because of too much book- and box-lifting yesterday, moving things out of my room to prepare for imminent remodeling. Thank you, previous generations, for achieving the technology and organization that provides me with steamy hot showers. Not sure why the annoying soreness. I didn't think I was doing THAT much. I had to move each box out of the way in order to pack the next, and I guess I did rearrange some of them once or twice in order to add something to one box or another, but apparently I can't trust myself even with that. sigh. Did manage to get back to aerobics class this morning though, after skipping all last week. So hopefully that will help to better prepare myself for that sort of thing. A soak in a hot tub would be nice, too. But on a workday morning, I'll take a hot shower as the next best thing. And it's worlds better than toting buckets full of cold water in from the well, and either bathing with that, or having to heat it up with a wood fire. Not very good ease-of-use, that method.
contents of purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie lynn
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