23 july 2004 friday
yeah, sorry. catching up.
Dad holding the ladder for me. Hi Dad. Yes, I am wearing flip-flops while climbing a ladder. I am bad and unsafe. Do not be like me.
While ripping up the rest of the ... stuff to be ripped up, termite damage, with bonus live termites!, was discovered. They took that board, or the damaged part of it, out, and replaced it with one of several boards that my dad happened to have in the garage, left over from some old set of shelves. See, this is the problem: every once in a while, our family tendency to save stuff "just in case" actually pays off. Intermittent reinforcement is the most addictive kind, as I understand.
A new frame for the upcoming gently sloped roof.
All these pics are actually from a week ago. I'll catch up more over the next couple days.
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