4 august 2004 day of mild date
palindromy (4-8-4)
yes sorry hello i am back. I learned a couple days ago that a high school friend of mine is getting married next month! Happy congratulations to him (and her), yay! There are more construction pictures. They are lining up in the wings, not without some shoving and whispering, and should be out shortly. I don't know if anyone besides my brother is really interested, but I care not. :P Today I found (while looking for further details of how the Sandy Berger story was trumpeted out of all proportion) this site called Media Matters; while in a sense it's depressing, it's information that needs to be out and about more prominently. IMHO. That's what's floating down my stream of consciousness this moment. More later. oh yes, and the photo is of some cobblestones round the Valley Forge memorial arch, of an evening back in June, and my toes thereupon. Don't worry, the feet-on-a-floor thing is not going to recur this much hereafter.
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