5 august 2004 thursday
I'm losing track of which day we're on with the pictures, here, but at least we're continuing in order. The first thing I noticed, upon arriving home the evening before the morning when I actually took these pictures, was that a section of the eaves had been taken out (ah, the many uses of bungee cord).
Perhaps you can see a little better what's missing in this side view. Apparently more termites were found. Since those beams go on up to support the whole family room roof, 'twas thought best to cut out the rotted/chewed areas immediately to prevent further damage. Yeah, we're going to have to tent the house after all this is done.
The next thing I noticed was after going inside the house:
This is a hole where the kitchen's greenhouse window used to be. It, also, tended to leak. Again, our current guy looked and poked at it a bit, declared it put together weirdly and not well, and Mom and Dad wanted to get a newer nicer one anyway, so out came the old; they went to a door and window store and ordered a nice new oak-framed bay window that Mom was still glowing and burbling joyfully about when I got home, many hours later. They're built to order, so it'll be a few more weeks yet before it arrives. Meanwhile, the kitchen is sure a lot darker with that boarded up. I didn't realize it was going to leave, so I didn't get a "before" shot of the old window in place (though the background shot for this past February's entries is of raindrops on its slanting top windowpane). Here it is in the dumpster:
Its former abode, from the outside:
Another victim of termites was the wooden shelf outside the dining room window. Again, I didn't realize this was going either, so you'll just have to imagine a nondescript wooden shelf made from a couple of boards on support beams, painted white.
Next: the miraculous reconstruction of the eaves. [16 sep 04: "next" being a term of some fluidity in this space. for the next edition of constructipix, look to the 16 sep 2004 entry.]
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