16 september 2004 thursday
Okay. Climbing back up on the almost-daily-update wagon, for the zillionth time.
This picture is of the broken sliding door in the master bath, which as you may see is not actually there, because it broke. Now it is fixed. Not really much of a picture there, sorry, but I try to be thorough.
I sure kept y'all in suspense a long time about those termite-infested (and thus removed) bits of the eaves. Well, he put new bits up such that you can't hardly tell the difference. Not sure why that previous paragraph went all country. I seem to be a bit punchy today. Not to mention stream of consciousness. Perhaps I secretly suspect that all my readers have given up on me by now and gone away, so really no one is there. But I must not really think so, or what am I doing here? ew. enough of that. next.
He patched up the stucco quite nicely too. We'll have to paint it, but the whole house needs painting anyway. And here you are, finally, over a month afterwards, possibly two: pics of the finished roof! Where once there was a leaky, if ambitious, deck, now there is a leak-proof (at least to hose test; full weather test to come this winter) sloping flat roof that blends nicely into the overall roofline.
The surface looks and feels pretty much like the stuff that our shingles are made of, which is I'm not sure what. Tar paper with sand stuck to it? I am not a builder. As you may have noticed, the new shingles do not precisely match our existing shingles, but I don't think too many people would have noticed if I hadn't put these pictures up for all and sundry. Oh well.
The remaining things to do outside: that patio roof (the white lattices need fiberglass on top) and the "garden window" in the kitchen. Said window just arrived this week, and is now in, and justifies my mom's raptures. But we must do this in order. Next we shall have the fixing-up of the back bedroom.
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