16 august 2004 monday
Haven't got to the rest of the remodeling pictures yet, but nothing much additional has been happening, so at least I'm not falling behind. Have I mentioned before in this space how addicting the game Civilization is? There exists Civ 3, but I'm still only on Civ 2 as yet. I'm not sure whether getting Civ 3 would be a good or a bad thing, but in any case I will not until I get my PC that I will be using to play Middle-Earth Online when it comes out next year. I'll probably buy the computer once beta gets going, or thereabouts. The PC, being inherently evil (or worse, mediocre), will be the gameplaying computer. Possibly before that, I plan to also get a Mac laptop to represent the forces of good: writing, video editing, 21st century music management via ipod, and convenient wireless portability for my creativity. so that I can be all Hip and Coffeehouse-Patronizing. or at least do my writing anywhere that I want. Most of that good/evil meme, for me, comes partly from Macs being the first widespread computers to use a graphical window/desktop style interface, partly from our family's brand loyalty since the very first edition of Macintosh (it's still somewhere in our house, and worked the last time we tried it, years ago), and partly from the designs of Apple products. They're just so wonderful to look at, and I have the impression they perform better also. *googly eyes* pretty..... All of these things require my savings to grow a little more first, though.
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