7 october 2004 thursday
Neil Gaiman mentions an anecdote (third or fourth item down the page) that cheers me, for it notes that work done slowly and carefully can be better and longer-lasting than work done quickly. Quality over quantity, I suppose is the usual phrase. This is reassuring to me because I certainly tend to write slowly, if at all. It doesn't let me off the hook regarding the "if at all" problem, of course. I mentioned yesterday that Grandma was going to be moving into a room in my parents' house, sometime soon. I will also be moving out of said house, beginning this weekend -- although the process is likely to stretch over several weeks, because it's not like my parents are going to dump all my stuff if I don't move it out all at once. I hope. This will be my opportunity to condense my possessions to the minimum number I can bear, for the new place, while bigger than my old studio, is not huge. Will I ever need this thing again? Am I wise to keep it at least a certain number of years for tax/financial purposes? Do I love it? Is it useful, beautiful, and not duplicated by anything else that I have? Then it may come with me. Otherwise, to Ebay or the Salvation Army or the recycling bin with it. My goal is to contain all of my possessions comfortably within the new space, and no farther. No boxes left at the parents', that's cheating. We shall see how I do.
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