20 october 2004 wednesday
One thing I've noticed about my new place, over these past few rainy gray days, is that it's lacking in lighting. The only room that has what I'd consider a good amount of light is my bathroom. Which is good -- if I had to only pick one room, that's the one I'd pick -- well, maybe the kitchen. The kitchen's not too bad either, though it could be a little better. Worst is the little laundry zone, which has no unnatural light at all. Close behind are the living room and the bedrooms, with only one working bulb each. Actually, that pretty well covers the whole place. I'll bring over my halogen lamp shortly, but that will only help one of the above. Ah well. Every single room needs varying amounts of work done to it in other ways, as well. New paint is one need they all have in common. But some of the other work should probably be done first. I still like being there, though. ("there" = writing this from work, because I don't have any internet there yet, nor a computer to hook it up with even if I did.)
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